Food and Drink

What do we eat?

Qu’est ce qu’on mange?

What do we drink?

Que boit-on?

Are you hungry?

Avez-vous faim?

Are you thirsty?

As-tu soif?

How do we pronounce these French words?  You can enter them into Google Translate.

Try this. Translate

When you type in the French, you can click on the little bell and hear how it sounds.

Language can be like a jungle when it is one you don’t speak.  Getting through a jungle takes a guide, a person who has successfully already been safely through it.

Learning French, for English speakers, is faster and more efficient with a tutor, your jungle guide.

You can go a few days without speaking, but you can’t go many days without drinking or eating.  What do the French have for us to eat and drink? Coming right up!